Non-Fat Dry Ingredient (Milk) Non-Fat Dry Ingredient
Freezing Point Determination (Milk) Freezing Point Determination
Freezing Point Determination (Milk) Freezing Point Determination
Artificial Sweeteners (Aspartame and Saccharin Dulcin Acesulfam-K) Determination (Milk) Artificial Sweeteners (Aspartame and Saccharin Dulcin Acesulfam-K) Determination
Oil determination (Milk) Oil determination
Formaldehyde Calling (Milk) Formaldehyde Calling
Milk sugar (lactose) Determination (Milk) Milk sugar (lactose) Determination
Vibrio cholerae (Milk) Vibrio cholerae
Proteolytic Bacteria (Milk) Proteolytic Bacteria
Product Specific Basic Chemical Analysis (by Turkish Food Codex or TSEs) (Milk) Product Specific Basic Chemical Analysis (by Turkish Food Codex or TSEs)
Wash fastness (Milk) Wash fastness
Determination of Total Sugar (Milk) Determination of Total Sugar
Milk sugar (lactose) Determination (Milk) Milk sugar (lactose) Determination
Phosphatase Activity (quantitative-spectrophotometer) (Milk) Phosphatase Activity (quantitative-spectrophotometer)
Homogenization Control (Milk) Homogenization Control
Oil Detection (Milk) Oil Detection
Lintner ANALYSIS (moisture, crude fat, crude ash, Foreign Matter) (Milk) Lintner ANALYSIS (moisture, crude fat, crude ash, Foreign Matter)
Detection of Aflatoxin M1 (Milk) Detection of Aflatoxin M1
Cadmium (Cd) Determination (Milk) Cadmium (Cd) Determination
Determination of Oil and Grease (Milk) Determination of Oil and Grease
Formaldehyde Calling (Milk) Formaldehyde Calling
Peroxidase (Hydrogen Peroxide) Test (Milk) Peroxidase (Hydrogen Peroxide) Test
Product Specific Basic Microbiological Analysis (by Turkish Food Codex or TSEs) (Milk) Product Specific Basic Microbiological Analysis (by Turkish Food Codex or TSEs)
Formaldehyde Calling (Milk) Formaldehyde Calling
Pesticide Residue Analysis (Milk) Pesticide Residue Analysis
Specific Gravity Determination (Milk) Specific Gravity Determination
Solubility in water (Milk) Solubility in water
Determination of Refractive Index (Milk) Determination of Refractive Index
Determination of soda (Milk) Determination of soda
Protein Receptor (Milk) Protein Receptor
Detection of Aflatoxin M1 (Milk) Detection of Aflatoxin M1
Oil determination (Milk) Oil determination
Determination of acidity (Milk) Determination of acidity
Determination of soda (Milk) Determination of soda
Density Determination (Milk) Density Determination
Soluble ability to rate (Milk) Soluble ability to rate
Determination of Chloride (Milk) Determination of Chloride
Acidity (as SHR) assay (Milk) Acidity (as SHR) assay
Sterilazasyo Control (Milk) Sterilazasyo Control
Oil determination (Milk) Oil determination
Pollution Degree Determination (Milk) Pollution Degree Determination
Product Specific Basic Physical Analysis (by Turkish Food Codex or TSEs) (Milk) Product Specific Basic Physical Analysis (by Turkish Food Codex or TSEs)
Peroxidase (Hydrogen Peroxide) Test (Milk) Peroxidase (Hydrogen Peroxide) Test
Density Determination (Milk) Density Determination
Wash fastness (Milk) Wash fastness
Nitrogen and protein determination (Milk) Nitrogen and protein determination
Number of RMS (Reichert-Meissl) (Milk) Number of RMS (Reichert-Meissl)
Total Solid Content Determination (Milk) Total Solid Content Determination