Phenol, phenol index (phenolic compounds) Determination (Pomace oil) Phenol, phenol index (phenolic compounds) Determination
Cotton Oil Calling (Pomace oil) Cotton Oil Calling
Steren R1 Detection (Pomace oil) Steren R1 Detection
Semi-dry oil Calling (Pomace oil) Semi-dry oil Calling
Polar Compounds (Pomace oil) Polar Compounds
Specific Gravity Determination (Pomace oil) Specific Gravity Determination
Global methods (Pomace oil) Global methods
Determination of Refractive Index (Pomace oil) Determination of Refractive Index
ECN 42 Difference Detection (Pomace oil) ECN 42 Difference Detection
Determination of Iodine (Pomace oil) Determination of Iodine
Determination of Halogenated Solvent Amount (Pomace oil) Determination of Halogenated Solvent Amount
Wash fastness (Pomace oil) Wash fastness
Determination of Iodine (Pomace oil) Determination of Iodine
Search the sesame oil (Pomace oil) Search the sesame oil
Unsaponified Article (Pomace oil) Unsaponified Article
Cold Test (Pomace oil) Cold Test
Determination of Fatty Acid Composition (Pomace oil) Determination of Fatty Acid Composition
The composition and amount of sterol (Pomace oil) The composition and amount of sterol
Omega Fatty Acids (3 and 6) (Pomace oil) Omega Fatty Acids (3 and 6)
Prina Fat Search (Pomace oil) Prina Fat Search
Specific Gravity Determination (Pomace oil) Specific Gravity Determination
Number of saponification (Pomace oil) Number of saponification
ECN 42 Difference Detection (Pomace oil) ECN 42 Difference Detection
Dry Matter and Moisture Determination (Pomace oil) Dry Matter and Moisture Determination
PH and acidity Free Analysis (Pomace oil) PH and acidity Free Analysis
We Organalep (sensory) Analysis (Pomace oil) We Organalep (sensory) Analysis
Determination of Total Peroxide (Pomace oil) Determination of Total Peroxide
Determination of Fatty Acid Composition (Pomace oil) Determination of Fatty Acid Composition
Dry Matter and Moisture Determination (Pomace oil) Dry Matter and Moisture Determination
Freezing Point Determination (Pomace oil) Freezing Point Determination
Determination of Refractive Index (Pomace oil) Determination of Refractive Index
Determination of Total Peroxide (Pomace oil) Determination of Total Peroxide
Quantity Determination of Wax (Pomace oil) Quantity Determination of Wax
Diglycerides Content and Composition Determination (Capillary Column GC) (Pomace oil) Diglycerides Content and Composition Determination (Capillary Column GC)
Determination of Vitamin E (Pomace oil) Determination of Vitamin E
Determination of triglycerides (Trilinole's) (Pomace oil) Determination of triglycerides (Trilinole's)
The Determination of Stigmastadi (Pomace oil) The Determination of Stigmastadi
Determination of mineral oil (Pomace oil) Determination of mineral oil
Certain Index (Pomace oil) Certain Index
Benzo (a) Pyrene Analysis (Pomace oil) Benzo (a) Pyrene Analysis
Certain Index (Pomace oil) Certain Index
2-Position amount of palmitic acid in triacylglycerols (Pomace oil) 2-Position amount of palmitic acid in triacylglycerols
Number of saponification (Pomace oil) Number of saponification
Flash (Flash) Point Determination (PMCC) (Pomace oil) Flash (Flash) Point Determination (PMCC)
Determination of solvent residue (Pomace oil) Determination of solvent residue
Determination of tetrachlorethylene (Pomace oil) Determination of tetrachlorethylene
The precipitate (residue) Determination-Centrifuge Method (Pomace oil) The precipitate (residue) Determination-Centrifuge Method
Oxy acid (Pomace oil) Oxy acid