Semi-dry oil Calling (Olive oil) Semi-dry oil Calling
Unsaponified Article (Olive oil) Unsaponified Article
Search the Tea Seed Oil (Olive oil) Search the Tea Seed Oil
We Organalep (sensory) Analysis (Olive oil) We Organalep (sensory) Analysis
The composition and amount of sterol (Olive oil) The composition and amount of sterol
Specific absorbance (UV) (Olive oil) Specific absorbance (UV)
Certain Index (Olive oil) Certain Index
Specific UV Light Absorbance (Absorption) (Olive oil) Specific UV Light Absorbance (Absorption)
Phenol, phenol index (phenolic compounds) Determination (Olive oil) Phenol, phenol index (phenolic compounds) Determination
Quantity Determination of Wax (Olive oil) Quantity Determination of Wax
Determination of Iodine (Olive oil) Determination of Iodine
Quantity Determination of Wax (Olive oil) Quantity Determination of Wax
Determination of mineral oil (Olive oil) Determination of mineral oil
Determination of Total Peroxide (Olive oil) Determination of Total Peroxide
ECN 42 Difference Detection (Olive oil) ECN 42 Difference Detection
Determining the difference of real and theoretical triacylglycerol Analysis (Olive oil) Determining the difference of real and theoretical triacylglycerol Analysis
Determination of Iodine (Olive oil) Determination of Iodine
The Determination of Stigmastadi (Olive oil) The Determination of Stigmastadi
Color Tone (Automatic Lovibond) (Olive oil) Color Tone (Automatic Lovibond)
Cotton Oil Calling (Olive oil) Cotton Oil Calling
Foreign Substances and Determination of Ash insoluble in ether (Olive oil) Foreign Substances and Determination of Ash insoluble in ether
ECN 42 Difference Detection (Olive oil) ECN 42 Difference Detection
Product Specific Basic Physical Analysis (by Turkish Food Codex or TSEs) (Olive oil) Product Specific Basic Physical Analysis (by Turkish Food Codex or TSEs)
Cold Test (Olive oil) Cold Test
Cotton Oil Calling (Olive oil) Cotton Oil Calling
Determination of Fatty Acid Composition (Olive oil) Determination of Fatty Acid Composition
Number of saponification (Olive oil) Number of saponification
Prina Fat Search (Olive oil) Prina Fat Search
ECN 42 Difference Detection (Olive oil) ECN 42 Difference Detection
Determination of Total Peroxide (Olive oil) Determination of Total Peroxide
Density Determination (Olive oil) Density Determination
Freezing Point Determination (Olive oil) Freezing Point Determination
Polar Compounds (Olive oil) Polar Compounds
Wash fastness (Olive oil) Wash fastness
Determination of Fatty Acid Composition (Olive oil) Determination of Fatty Acid Composition
2-Position amount of palmitic acid in triacylglycerols (Olive oil) 2-Position amount of palmitic acid in triacylglycerols
Certain Index (Olive oil) Certain Index
The Determination of Stigmastadi (Olive oil) The Determination of Stigmastadi
Product Specific Fundamental Analysis of all (by the Turkish Food Codex or TSEs) (Olive oil) Product Specific Fundamental Analysis of all (by the Turkish Food Codex or TSEs)
Unsaponified Article (Olive oil) Unsaponified Article
PH and acidity Free Analysis (Olive oil) PH and acidity Free Analysis
Cotton Oil Calling (Olive oil) Cotton Oil Calling
Omega Fatty Acids (3 and 6) (Olive oil) Omega Fatty Acids (3 and 6)
Determination of Halogenated Solvent Amount (Olive oil) Determination of Halogenated Solvent Amount
Foreign Substances and Determination of Ash insoluble in ether (Olive oil) Foreign Substances and Determination of Ash insoluble in ether
Determination of triglycerides (Trilinole's) (Olive oil) Determination of triglycerides (Trilinole's)
The composition and amount of sterol (Olive oil) The composition and amount of sterol
Prina Fat Search (Olive oil) Prina Fat Search